Welcome to Dan's Awesome Web Page
Latest Update! My site now includes CSS for color and text!
- The current revision date is 06/27/2017 approx 08:00 AM.
- There is now some CSS for this site, and it's content has been altered slightly. I have also used the Montserrat font.
- I have also employed one use each of a class and an ID. I also have enclosed the body in a div containter and used a class to avoid the universal selector.
- I have been taking lessons on CodeAcademy.com and I have been updating with new code as I go along.
- Any further revisions of this website will include more dense CSS, JS and other code. Next revision goal includes formatting and alignment.
- Please check all my links!! All currently open a new tab/window because I do not have multiple pages within my own domain.
- View source if you'd like, it may be a little messy but it does work. Thanks in advance for feedback!!
This is a place for exploring my ability to code and post stuff. This is the first website that I have designed in a while. As of now it only includes HTML and CSS code.
Click on the image below to link to my Gamertag Profile on Xbox Live!!
You must be siged to your account to view profiles.
Add me as a friend. I like Halo and Destiny.
I also enjoy playing World of Warcraft and other Blizzard games like Diablo 3 and Overwatch.
Here is a picture of my Druid.
Yes, it's a female character. I do not roleplay in games and my other main character is male.
My Blizzard Tag is WitchHammer#1865. I am the Witch, I am the Hammer!!
I am also on Steam!!
I have been a fan of Science Fiction and Fantasy my whole life. Lately I have been rewatching Babylon 5. Please Click This Linkto see my Babylon 5 info page!
Here is the link to the "BodyBuilding and Computing Manifesto!"
Here is a picture of me at work
Thank You Neocities!!